Saturday, September 18, 2010

iPad vs New Phone

Ok so I think it's time for a new phone. iPhone 3gs is getting old.... I see the new Captivate from AT&T and think... man this is the phone for me.  I talked to a buddy who showed me a link to a great discount $70 vice $199 and guess what one I went for?????  Well the $70 one now has changed my data plan (after I told them to make sure it did not) . Then Rhonda's phone started acting up right after I updated my phone (again after I told them not to change my cell plan). Rhonda doesn't want to deal with cell phone problems, not even the ones that I made. So I come home Friday to an unhappy wife, who's cell phone was acting up because of me. Not what I wanted to come home to.  Then her computer started acting up (it's has been getting old, not sure why but it has), so I started feeling bad about my new phone.  I asked her if she would like a iPad to replace her laptop.... Knowing she has been wanting a iPad for about 3 months... Guess this was the wrong question. She asked me if I was ready to get in the car right now. Well guess what.... me and the kids were in the car driving to J-Ville to get a iPad. Once we got to J-Ville and got to BestBuy I think we where in the store for about 5 minutes. The shortest time I have ever been in that store. And Rhonda had a new 32Gb iPad. I think she wanted me in and out before I could change my mind (good plan).  Then after that, off to a full dinner and a drive home.  At home Rhonda pulled out her iPad and started going to town.  What a great device for her. I tell you, after seeing her with it for the last 24 hours, I would have gotten her it sooner.  She looks like a pro with it. I hope I look like a pro with my new phone once it get here.